Thursday, April 29, 2010

Patience Requested

I'm finishing up a week-long intensive for my Master's program at IWU tomorrow. 

Check back early next week.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

for Derek Webb

About 3 hours ago, Derek Webb tweeted the following:

"as usual, the brevity of my stay is in direct proportion to the quality of my hotel room".

This one is for him.



Welcome to the inaugural post of "The Christian Index".  We'll start off with a favorite topic of youth ministers around the world....

I love it when people approach me with fundraising ideas.  And by "love", I mean the opposite.  Usually, the conversation looks like this:

Person:   John, I have a great idea for a fundraiser.

Me:  Let's hear it.

Person:  I think that you should...(At this point I tune it out because it generally involves me spending more time away from my family, a complex pyramid scheme of volunteers and an elaborate strategy not too different from either an MC Escher sketch or a Rube Goldberg contraption)...and you can make a ton of money!

Me:  Great idea!  Would you be willing to head that up?

Them:  Ummmm...

So.  Post 1: the enthusiasm expressed for a new fundraising idea is directly proportional to the expected involvement of the person making the suggestion.  
