Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Welcome to the inaugural post of "The Christian Index".  We'll start off with a favorite topic of youth ministers around the world....

I love it when people approach me with fundraising ideas.  And by "love", I mean the opposite.  Usually, the conversation looks like this:

Person:   John, I have a great idea for a fundraiser.

Me:  Let's hear it.

Person:  I think that you should...(At this point I tune it out because it generally involves me spending more time away from my family, a complex pyramid scheme of volunteers and an elaborate strategy not too different from either an MC Escher sketch or a Rube Goldberg contraption)...and you can make a ton of money!

Me:  Great idea!  Would you be willing to head that up?

Them:  Ummmm...

So.  Post 1: the enthusiasm expressed for a new fundraising idea is directly proportional to the expected involvement of the person making the suggestion.  

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